Australian aviators Nancy Bird and Jack Kingsford-Smith standing next to a de Havilland. Photo courtesy of the National Library of Australia.
I am married to a Brit and we lived in Australia for almost four years. I’ll tell you one thing Brits and Australians really suck at is bragging. Americans on the other hand, are not too shabby at it. This cultural difference took me years to discover, because something that does not occur is a lot harder to spot then something that does.
Bragging does get a bad rap and for good reason: no one likes a narcissist. So, in the wrong hands, it can be quite unpleasant. However, when we redefine it a bit and use bragging to highlight the great things going on around us, we can build social ties and good will, and share a little old-fashioned love. So, in an effort to foster these things and bring back bragging, here are the rules of engagement:
1. Bragging cannot be done for oneself, but only for another.
2. Bragging must be done with genuine affection.
3. Bragging must be done with zeal.
That’s it! Oh wait, there is one more thing you should know before you choose to brag or not to brag. If you don’t brag for someone, there is a very good chance they won’t do it for themselves and if they did, they’d be breaking rule number one. So, at risk of people’s awesomeness not being made known, LET THE BRAGGING BEGIN!!
- To Devin, you decided you wanted a new career, you found a place to get training and went for it. That is awesome.
- To Amma (Ruth), you make some mean almond rocca. I mean, it is so delicious, to me it is officially the taste of Christmas.
- To Francesco, at 16 you are living on another continent for six months. Well done. It will change your life forever.
- To the woman in my life who is battling her way through addiction. You are doing hard work every single day. I am so proud of you and so are many others.
- To Joey for starting your own business, it is terrifying and thrilling, but you are strong and confident and decisive. You’ve got this girl.
- To my Pops for being brave enough to make a change and move back to Colorado. We are only so lucky to have you.
- To my neighbor and friend Tahnee: Dang girl, you know how to build community! You can throw a mean party, mix a awesome cocktail (well, that’s mostly Sean) and bring people together.
- To my Momma, who has taught us all how to entrepreneur our little hearts out.
- To Irv, who didn’t choose to move to Louisville, CO, but has jumped right in to being a part of the community and you share yourself with others. I am lucky to know you.
- To my hubby, who just published his first solo-authored, paper in a peer-review journal. I am so proud of you!!
Okay, now it is your turn. Pick someone you are proud of and tell the world about it!
This is for my little sis (author of this blog!). I still think of you as that little 5 year old who was the cutest kid ever! But now I look at you as my grown up little sister and good friend. There are so many things to brag about you because you are increditably talented, an awesome mom and wife and a very caring soul. I am in “awe” of you. You never have to leave my name out of anything. I am proud to be a RECOVERING addict. Its great way to challenge yourself. I owe most of my recovery to you and the rest of our loving family. I cannot do this alone and you have proven to me that there are angels in this world. I love you and your beautiful family!